From today until next Saturday February 8th, we mark National Catholic Health Care Week across Canada, recognizing the important work of Catholic health organizations in our province and across the country. This week leads into the World Day of the Sick, February 11, a Catholic day of observance established by Pope John Paul II to encourage prayers and reflections for those who are ill and for those who care for them.
At the heart of Catholic health is a deep respect for the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being and a commitment to serving all people, from all backgrounds and faiths— especially those impacted by trauma, stigma, poverty, and isolation. We pray for care teams who have given much over the past years and continue to walk with all those who are ill, deeply troubled, weary and struggling. We are grateful for our Catholic health ministries as partners in the healing ministry of Jesus, fostering trust, promoting justice and respecting the dignity of every human person—body, mind and soul. Holding all those who are hurting in our hearts, we ask God to bless the work of Catholic health and we offer our prayers, support, and encouragement for the people of our Catholic health organizations who serve with compassion and courage.
You are encouraged to mark National Catholic Health Care Week with daily reflections and prayers. Please visit the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada website at